This page is not about my current career but one of my first options: Art Deviantart (abbreviated DA) is a website that brings together an international community of artists in the network. DeviantART is a virtual space in which each user can show their art and take advantage of the possibilities of the network to submit it to the comments and criticism of other artists members of the dA community. DeviantART is open to many types of artists, but mainly those related to the visual and graphic arts, such as photographers, graphic designers, pixel artists, or painters, although there are also literary works, fanfics, filming, skins for programs or pages, Flash content , crafts, costumes (cosplay), etc. The site has a wide list of categories used to classify the works that are uploaded, organized first in different branches of art, according to the medium with which they were created (traditional, digital), subdivided into more specific subcategories....